Painting of young woman looking to the side.
Cynthia (detail), Kim Frohsin © 1999. Used with permission of the artist

The First Appointment

The first appointment is a full psychiatric evaluation. It is an opportunity for you and Dr. Palmer to decide if you can work together. If Dr. Palmer determines that she is not the best person to treat your problem she will help you find someone who is.

Past Psychiatric Records

If you have been in psychiatric care in the past it would be helpful to provide records. Typed summaries are ideal. Please email or fax (443-568-0700) all completed forms before your first appointment. For your convenience, an Authorization to Receive or Disclose Information form can be downloaded here for you to sign and give to your previous doctor(s).

New Patient Forms

All new patients are asked to please:

  1. Read the Notice of Privacy Practices document.
  2. Print and complete the Patient Information and Consent form.
  3. Print and complete the New Patient Information form.
  4. Print and complete the Telepsychiatry Consent form.

Please bring all completed forms to your first appointment.

Insurance Reimbursement

Dr. Palmer does not participate with any insurance plans. She will provide a statement for fees paid at each visit that you can submit to your insurer for reimbursement. Please note that reimbursement amounts vary among insurance plans and only apply to plans with out-of-network psychiatry benefits.